Friday, 19 August 2011

I am Christian, not religious.

Because in my city, there are 4000+ men than women, the dating situation is a bit difficult for someone like me, who works lots, and have little time to socialize outside church.

Because of this, I decided to try online dating. 

As a Christian wanna-be, I still call myself a Christian. Why wanna-be? Because even though I accepted Jesus, I still think I am not totally pure, plus I am not baptized yet. So, in my online profile, I talk about my believe, and Oh Surprise! A woman didn't want to start any kind of relationship with me because I was 'religious', well,  I replied to her message like this, because being a Christian is not much different to being a non Christian:

 I am Christian, not religious.

The difference is that we dress not very conservative, we fall, we have sex -premarital sex-, we talk about money, relationships, marriage, business, money -again-, etc, and....we dress hot -or at least w try-, we believe in physical attraction, in looking and smelling good, and casual conversations.

Religious is something different.
Religious is wearing long skirts, suits, women on one side of the church, men in the other, married ppl and families in the back.
Religious is not to drink coffee because the church said so, or not smoking, or living in poverty, with out the good things that GOD put on this planet for us, see?

We are normal ppl, just like you, but....we try not to fall, not to cut ppl off on the hwy, or not to hurt ppl, but we fail, and we fall.  No we don't fall, WE CRASH AND BURN, and we sin, and we have a higher divorce rate than non Christians, so, we are more like black sheeps trying to rehab, but....we can't, cuz GOD made us by default prone to fall.

Good night.

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